H.E MOHAMED NASHEED – CVF Global Parliamentarians Meeting

Good afternoon, Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, It is a great honour to speak with you all at this parliamentary meeting of the Climate Vulnerable Forum. In most meetings it is heads of states who garner the most attention but in actual fact to my mind it is the parliamentary representatives who do the hard work

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H.E SABER CHOWDHURY – Conclusion CVF Global Parliamentarians Meeting

I would like to summarize a few key points that emerged from the discussion. Firstly, we do have options and we do have a role to play in terms of parliamentary action even during the remainder of this year. Martin pointed out that it’s only weeks to go, but as we see every day, even a week is a long time in politics, so let’s make use of the time that we have in hand.

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H.E DR. ALI AL-ZANEM – CVF Global Parliamentarians Meeting

Mr. Saber Chowdhury, Honorary President Inter-Parliamentary Union Chair, Bangladesh Parliamentary Standing Committee on MoEFCC Mr. Mohamed Nasheed, Speaker Maldives People’s Majlis CVF Thematic Ambassador for Ambition Ms. Loren Legarda, Deputy Speaker Philippines CVF Thematic Ambassador for Parliaments Ladies and gentlemen participating from countries, international organizations and personalities interested in climate issues, 

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H.E DASHO UGYEN TSHERING – CVF Global Parliamentarians Meeting

Excellencies, Honorable participants, Ladies and Gentlemen. It is an honor for me to represent the Royal Government of Bhutan in the Global Parliamentarians Meeting, organized by the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) in collaboration with the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA).

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H. E. Dr. Bimala Rai Paudya – CVF Global Parliamentarians Meeting

Respected Chairperson Distinguished Panellists and Delegates Fellow Parliamentarians Ladies and Gentlemen At the outset, I congratulate the Government and the people of Bangladesh for taking leadership of Climate Vulnerable Forum and for timely organizing this global parliamentarians meeting. I am delighted to represent Federal Parliament of Nepal in this august event.

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