Communique of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM): “Delivering A Common Future: Connecting, Innovating, Transforming”

Heads noted the Climate Vulnerable Forum member countries’ ambition to scale up their commitments for safeguarding the most vulnerable from the impact of climate change, while supporting prosperity and resilience through investments in low carbon and climate-resilient technologies and infrastructure.

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Climate change wiped out fifth of vulnerable countries’ wealth over last 2 decades – report V20 group of 55 economies reinforce demands for international funding for loss and damage

The Bangladesh Presidency of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) ended its two-year term, and passed the CVF Presidency to Ghana, in a ceremony held today. The CVF Presidency represents 55 of the most climate-threatened countries, in their global fight against the climate emergency.

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Statement by CVF Presidency Incoming Chair, H.E. Nana Akufo-Addo, Hon’ble President of Ghana

Ghana feels incredibly honored to accept this greater challenge to be the next CVF Presidency and represent the most vulnerable countries part of the CVF, and to build on all the great work which was done during the past 2 years of Bangladesh as CVF Chair.

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