Chair, Our Voice, Statements

Statement of Honorable Sheik Hasina, Prime Minister Bangladesh at the Foreign Policy Summit

Statement of Honorable Sheik Hasina, Prime Minister Bangladesh at the Foreign Policy Summit


The Foreign Policy Summit conveyed an international gathering of top government officials, industry leaders and issue experts to highlight strategies and innovations for viable, cross-sector solutions to meet urgent climate targets.

On the first day (28 April 2021), Honorable Sheik Hasina, Prime Minister Bangladesh indicated that Climate change has now become a huge threat for every country, especially for the climate vulnerable countries like Bangladesh. Honorable Prime Minister Sheik Hasina, pointed out that in the Paris Agreement, the international community has pledged to form a USD 100 billion fund each year for adaptation and mitigation purposes. Strict implementation of the Paris Agreement is the only way to check global emission and thereby global warming (Details: Click here).

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