Chair, Statements

Statement of CVF Presidency on the Recent European Floods

Statement of CVF Presidency on the Recent European Floods

Floods in Germany, July 2021.
Image Source: via Wikimedia Commons. 2018.
Image Name:: Floods in Germany, July 2021. (Martin Seifert. The original uploader was CnndrBrbr at German Wikipedia., CC0, via Wikimedia Commons)

The Government of Bangladesh released the text of the following statement for the presidency of the Climate Vulnerable Forum:

Climate Vulnerable Forum Presidency of the Bangladesh Government would like to express its unwavering solidarity with the people of Europe for the recent  flood in that continent, and offer  its sincere  sympathy to those who are currently facing the extremely adverse impacts of devastating floods in that region. Each country of the globe is under  threat of adverse effects of climate change, and  is thereby vulnerable. The impact of climate change is clearly not in the future but right now. This is indeed a clarion call for us – that climate change is a  stark reality from which there is no easy escape, and one with unprecedented consequences for people, planet and ecosystems. Bangladesh, currently leading the CVF Presidency,  is one of the most climate vulnerable nations. As a champion and global advocate of enhanced climate action, Bangladesh is ready  to extend its wholehearted support in facilitating transnational knowledge-sharing, capacity building and protecting basic human rights affected by climate change, fuelled by a strong commitment towards collective action, collaboration and cooperation. We must remind ourselves that in the difficult battle against climate change, we as nations remain  each other’s strongest allies and aides, and we need to come under one umbrella to retain our temperature goal well below 1.5 degrees.

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