Climate change disproportionately affects a wide number of nations and communities around the world and the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) and its members have been at the forefront of the fight against climate change.

Migrants4Climate (M4C): A New Decade to Act on Climate Change and Migration, is the new CVF initiative that enhances its commitment to advance knowledge and action on migration in the context of climate change. In this context, the role of migrant and diaspora communities can play a positive role in this fight and in climate action, therefore, the Ghana CVF Presidency has taken as a priority to expand support for climate change migrants and displaced persons, and leverage migrant communities’ contributions to climate action. As early as in its first assessment, the IPCC had identified human mobility as the greatest single impact of climate change, only to be further confirmed by the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the Global Compact for Safe, Regular and Orderly Migration, and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. M4C seeks to support these commitments, especially towards vulnerable countries and communities who are experiencing the most devastating impacts of climate change.


  1. M4C is about migrants and diasporas as dynamic actors of climate action and giving visibility and supporting their initiatives;
  2. M4C calls for greater solidarity and support for migrant and displaced communities most vulnerable to climate change;
  3. M4C emphasises the devastating impacts of slow on-set climate events and actions that address them.

Main activities:

  • CVF Pledge “Climate Vulnerable Forum Action” to the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF)
  • Migrants4Climate Award will identify through a competitive process innovative initiatives led by migrants or with migrants’ and diasporas’ involvement that contribute to climate action. The Award will be launched at COP27 and the first cycle of the Award is expected to be complete by COP28.
  • Integrate a human mobility dimension to various CVF led projects such as the Climate Prosperity Plans (CPPs) and the Climate Vulnerability Monitor (CVM).