Marshall Islands, 2018-2020

Marshall Islands President and CVF Chair, H.E. Ms. Hilda Heine, launching the #MAD4Survival campaign in December 2019 – Source: CVF.


The Marshall Islands assumed the seventh presidency of the Climate Vulnerable Forum on 28 August 2018 following the conclusion of the presidency tenure of Ethiopia during 2016-2018. The Marshall Islands was nominated as Chair designate by the membership at the CVF High Level Meeting at Marrakech, Morocco, on 18 November 2016. The Marshall Islands convenes the first entirely online Heads of Government level intergovernmental meeting, the 2018 CVF Virtual Summit, on 22 November 2018 and launched the Madrid Ambition Drive for Survival, or #MAD4survival in December 2019, to galvanize support for the importance of all countries to enhance their commitments to climate action in 2020, standing in solidarity with those most vulnerable. It is also under the Marshallese presidency that the GCA became the CVF & V20 Managing Partner and Secretariat host.