Countries doing the least to cause the climate crisis live its worst impacts, and those are only becoming more frequent and extreme. The biggest polluting nations need to share this burden and pay up for the loss and damage they are directly responsible for. Settling this debt helps to right the world’s fastest growing injustice.


Countries doing the least to cause the climate crisis live its worst impacts, and those are only becoming more frequent and extreme. The biggest carbon polluters need to share this burden and pay up for the loss and damage they are directly responsible for. Settling this debt helps to right the world’s fastest growing injustice.

Our Mission

The Climate Vulnerable Forum and the V20 are calling for international funding and solutions for Loss and Damage to right this wrong.

People everywhere are feeling the heat and dangers of the global climate crisis.

For poor and vulnerable nations across the globe, climate catastrophe is becoming a permanent reality. Communities on the front lines experience the same increasing number of unprecedented extreme weather events seen globally.

But the world’s most vulnerable communities have the least means to handle and rebound from climate disasters.

Recovery must be financed almost entirely out of the pockets of those hardest hit and least responsible for the climate emergency.

The global climate emergency has reached a point where dedicated funding needs to be made available in solidarity with victims least responsible for the fallout impacts of the climate emergency, and least equipped to withstand it.

The world’s richest and most polluting countries – especially the G20 nations – have a debt to settle. They are the biggest contributors to the climate crisis. They are also most responsible for the slow and weak global response to keeping climate chaos in check. You can help by getting behind the cause, sharing experiences and solutions on loss and damage, and asking for urgent action.

Why is this needed?

The injustice felt by those on the front lines is made far worse by rich nations’ not paying up for the loss and damage caused by their carbon emissions. There is no dedicated international funding to tackle the loss and damage inflicted on most vulnerable communities by the climate crisis. When polluters pay up, frontline communities have a chance to bounce back and lives can be rebuilt. When you post and share solutions online, you enrich the global conversation on loss and damage, helping us to build the case for action.

We can’t let the biggest polluters keep dragging their feet. It’s time to settle the debt.

For more information on how to get involved, write to us: [email protected]


Loss and damage conundrum

The vexed issue of loss and damages for least developed countries heavily impacted by climate change took centre stage at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP27) last Wednesday, with negotiators for both developed and developing countries pulling the strings for dominance.
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As COP27 deadline slips, UN chief urges negotiators to aim for ‘maximum ambition’ on loss and damage | News UN

“I remain concerned at the number of outstanding issues, including on finance mitigation, adaptation, loss and damage and their inter linkages,” COP27 President, Sameh Shoukry, told delegates reunited at the plenary of the Sharm el-Sheik International Convention Centre.
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Climate Vulnerable Forum wants dedicated funding for climate change loss, damage | Graphic

It also called for the establishment of a dedicated UNFCCC funding mechanisms to address loss and damage, adding that everyone should heed the findings of our Climate Vulnerability Monitor which has shone a light on the grave extent of climate change loss and damage today and in the future.
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 COP 27; Loss and damage dominates discussions at Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF)  | GBC Ghana Online

Climate change loss and damage is all too familiar to African countries. Climate-fuelled cyclones in Mozambique and Madagascar, prolonged drought in Somalia and the floods in Ghana, South Africa and Nigeria, have been some of the recent, stark, reminders of the economic and social destruction that climate crisis can cause.
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China, India Face Peer Pressure to Help Fund Loss and Damage | Bloomberg

China and India, two of the world’s three biggest emitters of greenhouse gases, are under increasing pressure from developing nations to commit that they will contribute to a facility aimed at compensating the world’s poorest nations for climate-related disasters.
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Crunch time for UN climate talks as Friday deadline looms | The Washington Post

SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt (AP) — Global climate talks approached crunch time on Friday, the final scheduled day of negotiations that are expected to go past their deadline as chances of a deal still looked unclear.
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Have a heart’: 10-year-old Ghanaian climate activist receives standing ovation at Cop27 – video | The Guardian

Nakeeyat Dramani, a 10-year-old Ghanaian climate activist, appealed to delegates during a Cop27 session in Sharm el-Sheikh to ‘have a heart’. Nakeeyat spoke ‘on behalf of young people’ who feared for their future, after seeing the impact of the climate crisis every day, in the form of air pollution, flooding and droughts.
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Food, Floods and Finance at COP27: Southeast Asia Must Act | Fulcrum

Southeast Asian governments should support the call to set up a new global loss and damage (L&D) financing facility, empowered with a broad and responsive mandate. It is insufficient to merely strengthen old institutions. An L&D facility is in every country’s interest.
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Climate-vulnerable Countries Call for Loss and Damage Support | Climate Adaptation Platform

Loss and damage” is a general term used in UN climate negotiations to refer to the consequences of climate change that go beyond what people can adapt to or when options exist. Still, a community doesn’t have the resources to access or utilize them. Loss and damage are and will continue to harm vulnerable communities the most, making addressing the issue a matter of climate justice (What is “Loss and Damage”, 2022).
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Why climate-change ‘loss and damage’ will be a hot topic at COP27 | Thomson Reuters Foundation

BARCELONA, Sept 23 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – As large parts of the planet struggle with climate-inflicted woes, from floods in Pakistan to forest fires in the United States, the thorny issue of how to address “loss and damage” driven by global warming has risen up the political agenda.
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The US May Have Scored a Climate Victory in Congress, but It Will Be in the Hot Seat With Other Major Emitters at UN Climate Talks | Inside Climate \News

A year of floods, drought and other events linked to global warming have galvanized developing nations to demand redress for their losses. After years of frustration, they will also seek stronger commitments from colossal polluters to slash fossil fuel emissions and avert further damage.
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EU agrees to climate damage fund, energizing bogged-down COP27 talks | Reuters

SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt, Nov 18 (Reuters) – Climate negotiators on Friday were mulling a European Union proposal aimed at resolving an impasse over financing for countries hit by climate-fuelled disasters and pushing the U.N. climate summit in Egypt closer to a final deal.
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Notes from COP27: Climate-vulnerable nations want more than ‘loss and damage’ – they want prosperity | Replanet – mention CPPs

Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, November 8, 2022 – It’s day 2 at COP27 and the biggest question hanging over this historic meeting is already becoming fractious. Should the wealthy Global North pay up for the huge loss and damage their emissions are inflicting on the people of the Global South?
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QUI DOIT PAYER? : «Pertes et dommages» climatiques: un enjeu sensible à centaines de milliards | 20min

The « losses and prejudices », officially placed on the agenda of the world climate conference in Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt on Sunday, designate the inevitable impacts of climate change, already costed in tens of billions of dollars and which should reach astronomical sums.
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Vulnerable nations want climate reparations from rich countries like US | ChinaDaily

A coalition of low-income countries called on rich nations to pay for climate damages, since wealthier nations such as the US have been the biggest emitters of greenhouse gasses, said US National Public Radio on Monday.
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Drowning not only in floods but in debt’: Vulnerable nations take cash for climate into their own hands | SkyNews

Yesterday at the COP27 climate summit, Mia Mottley was greeted at an event by a media swarm and packed audience, with one member from Trinidad and Tobago proudly exclaiming: “I’m here because I want Mia Mottley to run the Caribbean!” The crowd cheered.
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At COP27, climate ‘loss and damage’ funding makes it on the table | Reuters

Local resident Tarusila Boseiwaqa walks along a sea wall that no longer protects homes from the intrusion of water at higher tides, as a rainbow forms over Serua Village, Fiji, July 14, 2022. As the community runs out of ways to adapt to the rising Pacific Ocean, the 80 villagers face the painful decision whether to move. REUTERS/Loren Elliott
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COP27 Kicks Off With Deal to Discuss Compensating Poor Nations for Global Warming | Insurance Journal

Delegates from nearly 200 countries kicked off the U.N. climate summit in Egypt on Sunday with an agreement to discuss compensating poor nations for mounting damage linked to global warming, placing the controversial topic on the agenda for the first time since climate talks began decades ago.
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@nakeeyat, CVF Thematic Ambassador for Youth, delivers a call to leaders on behalf of 1.5 billion people at #COP27’s stocktaking plenary to standing ovation: “Duty bearers, kindly up your game.” #PaymentOverdue

Read her

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