Member States


Madagascar is an island country located in Africa with a diverse subtropical climate.

Climate Change Policies

Reduce GHG emissions by 14% (in relation to GHG emissions BAU levels (2000)) by 2030 conditional to external support in sectors of energy, agriculture, LULUCF and waste.

Adaptation: Priority Actions:

1) Finalisation and implementation of the National Adaptation Plan;

2) Strengthen climate change adaptation mainstreaming in all strategic/framework documents;

3) Multi-hazard early warning systems primarily that mainly consider cyclones, floods, drought and the public health surveillance;

4) Effective application of existing or newly established sectorial policies: flood and cyclone-resistant hydro-agricultural infrastructures standards, cyclone resistant buildings standards, flood-resistant terrestrial transport infrastructure standards, local for climate hazard community guideline for Water-Sanitation-Hygiene + 18 other highlighted priority actions.

Adaptation: Priority Actions:

1) Finalisation and implementation of the National Adaptation Plan;

2) Strengthen climate change adaptation mainstreaming in all strategic/framework documents;

3) Multi-hazard early warning systems primarily that mainly consider cyclones, floods, drought and the public health surveillance;

4) Effective application of existing or newly established sectorial policies: flood and cyclone-resistant hydro-agricultural infrastructures standards, cyclone resistant buildings standards, flood-resistant terrestrial transport infrastructure standards, local for climate hazard community guideline for Water-Sanitation-Hygiene + 18 other highlighted priority actions.


Year of joining the CVF




Year of national independence


Website Links

UNFCCC Focal Point

M. Michel Omer Laivao

Point Focal National
Ministère de l’Environnement, de l’Écologie et des Forêts (MEEFT)
[email protected]

National Focal Points

Ms. Marie-Orléa Vina

Head of the Environmental and Maritime Affairs Department
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
[email protected]

Mr. Jonathan Mickaël Andréas

Head of Division for Adaptation Policy Coordination
Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
[email protected]

Mr. Manampisoa Haja Randriasandratana

Head of Division for the search for funding for adaptation actions
Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
[email protected]

Mr. Andrianaivo Régis Rakotomanana

Coordinator to the Secretary General of the Ministry of Economy and Finance
Ministry of Economy and Finance
[email protected]

News from Madagascar

Not available.